Part 4: Extra Credit: Club Expo
Extra Credit: Club ExpoBefore we move onto chapter 2, I'm going to show off all of the clubs at the Centre. For anyone who doesn't care much about boring gameplay stuff, please feel free to skip this update!

The first floor is home to the Sports clubs. Most Sports clubs either raise stats or give you physical attacks.

Self-explanatory, and very helpful.

The next skill does damage x3 while the last skill causes all physical attacks to have a 100% hit rate and allows the character to use "Shoot" type weapons.

The next skill boosts all ally's defense by 30% while the last skill gives the character a 10% boost in skills and allows them to use "Throw" type weapons. It's the only defense-boosting move, so it's good to have on hand.

Self-explanatory, and also very helpful.

The next skill ups barehanded strength to 100% while the last skill boosts physical strength by 10% and allows the character to use "Strike" type weapons.

The next skill hits the enemy three times while the last skill causes the character's normal attack to hit twice as well as allow them to use "Cut" type weapons. This basically doubles your damage output and allows strong attackers to easily take down enemies in half the time.

Moving on, the second floor is home to the Culture clubs, most of which contain healing skills. There's some unique status effects in this game, including:
Pheromone - afflicted attacks their teammates
Amnesia - afflicted is unable to use skills
Doze - afflicted falls asleep and is unable to take any actions
Selfish - afflicted acts on their own
Shy - afflicted is unable to move

The next skill cures an ally of Amnesia while the last skill prevents the character from being afflicted with Pheromone.

Self-explanatory and one of the most useful clubs in the game.

The next skill allows charms to be equipped while the last skill allows accessories to be equipped. Like clubs, each character is only able to equip certain types of equipment and weapons, so this club's skills can circumvent that.

The next skill cures an ally of Selfish while the last skill prevents the character from being afflicted with Doze.

The next skill lowers all enemies' defense by 30% while the last skill increases the amount of money won after battle. Other than items, this is the only way to lower enemy defense.

The next skill cures all allies of Shy while the last skill prevents the character from being afflicted with Shy.

On the third and last floor are the Science clubs. A lot of them deal with inflicting status effects on enemies.

The next skill has a high probability of inflicting Selfish on all enemies while the last skill inflicts Pheromone on all enemies.

The next skill restores a fair amount of HP while the last skill restores a large amount of HP. This is the only club with HP-restoring skills that aren't combo techniques, so it's a good idea to have this club on a few people to restore HP without running out of GP in dungeons.

The next skill allows you to see the abilities of an enemy while the last skill increases the EXP the character receives after battle.

The next skill has a high probability of inflicting Doze on all enemies while the last skill inflicts Amnesia on all enemies.

The next skill annihilates all enemies for mid-damage while the last skill annihilates all enemies for high damage.

The next skill gives you a 75% chance of finding items after battle while the last skill gives you a high chance of finding a rare item after battle.